- oil on canvas
- 123 x 93 cm (framed in a wooden frame)
- 2021 -2024

As a teenager, my favorite movie was «Raging Bull» about Jake Lamotta, played by De Niro. When my father put me into boxing, he immediately brought me some old gloves from the mine. They were filled with horsehair, resembling Bigfoot’s huge leather paws, and were very smelly, and every now and then hair would come out of them that always had to be stitched up. I had a complex because the guys had such beautiful and colorful Top Ten and Everlast and I had old leather bags. One day during practice, they fell on the floor and someone kicked these freaks from the seniors. The coach saw this and said he would kick the troublemaker out of the gym if he saw any more disrespect for the equipment. After that, he noted that the gym is a temple, and the equipment is a tool that teaches you to be not only strong but also wise. You have to respect what you have and learn to work with it. I memorized those words for life and I use them in my art and beyond. So I’m not looking for new, I’m creating new from what I have.

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